Maureen Mayhew

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A year ago my story left my hands

My memoir, Hand on My Heart, is not quite a year old - only 10 months and 13 days since its release in Canada! But in my mind the book completed its first revolution around the sun because 52 weeks ago, the final type-set version of the manuscript was sent to the printer. On December 9, 2022, my story passed out of my hands on its journey into public life. That was the point at which I could no longer back out of the narratives I had written. They would live on no matter what.

Since that mad rush to meet the many deadlines, a lot has happened. Here are a few highlights:

  • The book was released in Canada on Jan 27, 2023 and at the end of May 2023 in the rest of the world.

  • UBC’s School of Population & Public Health helped me celebrate its release on Feb 15, 2023. Over a hundred people joined us. And since then, I have had four book events in Vancouver, one in Victoria with 2 beautiful poets, and one in beautiful Gibson’s. I’ve also done several virtual events.

  • Mike and I have gone on two book tours. The first one involved 5 interviews and 6 book events in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Our second book tour entailed 11 book events in Ontario and Quebec in 21 days. At Greenwood’s StoryFest in Hudson, my memoir now sits on a shelf with books by Margaret Atwood and Romeo Dallaire, among others! See previous blogs for more information.

  • Throughout the year, CBC has been incredibly supportive and generous with interviews and coverage in English and in French. The latest one was November 24, 2023 on White Coat, Black Art. Many thanks to Dr. Brian Goldman and his incredible team.

  • McGill University, my alma mater, and several other universities have organized events, provided venues and used their platforms to help promote the book.

  • The book did not make any bestsellers list but it was recommended on several reading lists by CBC Books, McGill University, 49th Shelf, and Read Local BC.

  • You can find more information at

I thought I would take a moment to thank my friends, colleagues and family and their friends, colleagues and families for supporting me in sharing these stories. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and much inspiration and joy in 2024.