Hand on My Heart - Behind the Scenes - Writer's Radio June 12-26, 2023


When I was writing Hand on My Heart, I was coached by Betsy Warland to “follow the scent of the pen” which I translated into write often, write a lot and trust the process. After 850 pages, I wondered if I should continue to let my pen lead since it showed no signs of stopping! Betsy suggested it was time to shape the work. By doing so, I would discover what was missing. She was right. Additional ideas and vignettes added colour and texture to the work but it had grown unwieldy once again.

The first time I submitted the manuscript to publishers, I heard it had promise and, at the same time, it would benefit from a complete overhaul. Disheartened and determined, I distilled the suggested changes into three main issues: 1) the manuscript needed a clear story rather than being a composite of interesting snapshots; 2) the main character was me not Afghanistan and 3) I needed to chisel away extraneous materials to get to the heart of the work.

So I pulled what I’d written apart, restructured it, developed my characters in tangible ways, and created a story arc. You might imagine that I had a lot to learn. Once I had done those things, I continued carving my words until a sculpture began to appear. Then I polished it, finally submitting it to publishers for another go around. When Caitlin Press took it on, we chiseled and polished it a few more times until it transformed into a book that you might be holding.

Needless to say, it was an immersive process and because of that I have no objectivity. So for me, hearing readers’ thoughts and impressions and discovering what aspects of the book resonate with them is eye opening . Thank you to those of you who have shared your ideas with me. I am particularly grateful to friends who have helped to get the word out by posting reviews and ratings on public websites.

If you are interested in more behind the scenes commentary, please tune in to Writer’s Radio where an in depth interview is being broadcast 24/7 June 12-26 follow which, it will be available as a podcast.

Maureen Mayhew