Maureen Mayhew

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Hand on My Heart in Ontario and Quebec

When on Jan 27, 2023 my publisher, Caitlin Press, launched my memoir, Hand on My Heart: A Canadian Doctor’s Awakening in Afghanistan, I naively thought that my work was done, that I could sit back and relax. After all, I had laboured for years to find the right words to slot together a cohesive story that made sense to others.

Although my assumption might be true for some, my experience differed. The release of the book (Jan 27, 2023 in Canada and May 23, 2023 internationally) began another chapter in my life. I’ve learned so much about the nuts and bolts of publicizing a book: the different types of book launches, the benefits and limitations of social media, how to do an email campaign, and what to put in newsletters.

I’ve also learned that the most fun aspect of publicizing Hand on My Heart to the world is the act of sharing the ideas in it with readers, and hearing what they think and how they interpreted my story. I have realized that my book is simply an offering to be seasoned and digested by others whose experiences and opinions may be quite different from mine. I am keen to hear your thoughts.

My next series of events will be in Ontario and Quebec.