Maureen Mayhew

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Never Give Up: One Step at a Time

Photo credit: Phil Hammer

People I coach often tell me that they delay attempting to do a specific ‘big-ticket activity’ because the thought of trying to do it overwhelms them. When they aim for the top, they get scared. Then they divert their attention to a more comfortable goal, or maybe a night of Netflix binging, something they can’t fail. I have felt the same way and have delayed a slew of big ticket items.

One day I realized that taking one step changed everything. It sounds ridiculous. How could such a small endeavour change everything?

And yet it does. Perspective is important. Think of climbing a mountain on skis. If throughout the ski up you thought only of reaching the top, of turning around to ski down, it would likely be a long, labourious slog upward, and a rather unpleasant day. If instead you enjoyed each step, time would disappear and before you know it you would be at the top, pulling off your skins before skiing down.

But wait. Maybe the ski down is scary. What do you do then? Do you get overwhelmed? Or do you pick a line, do a turn or two, slowly enough that a fall won’t be catastrophic, then you re-adjust from one turn to the next, enjoying each one, trying to do your best and knowing that when you fall, you will get up again and keep on turning. Because you can. Never give up.

Hand on my heart is available for pre-order

Anticipated release date

in Canada: Jan 20, 2022

in the USA: May 23, 2022.

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