Take a step…. reveal the power within you

Contact me and I will give you a short demo of what coaching is. You’ll see how it shifts your perspective and changes your life. Sound too simple? Give it a try.

In coaching you uncover new ways of approaching old challenges and the kicker is, you get different results. Coaching is energizing, fun and full of surprises. I like diving deep into the heart but I respect whatever boundaries you express. Through coaching you choose the life and work you want, set goals and begin creating. I serve as your guide and accountability partner. I can’t wait to see what you decide to do and who you become!

Why would you want coaching? You may have a big dream that you secretly hope becomes reality yet you find yourself waiting because the idea seems too far fetched so the years pass. You may feel stuck in a relationship, in a job or a way of life and you know something better is possible. You may sense that you’re limiting yourself. Deep down you know you can fly but your wings feel clipped and powerless. Maybe you sit mute in meetings when you want to stand your ground and be heard. Perhaps you’ve lost touch with your real desires and feel lost and alone. All of these are valid reasons to seek coaching.

Coaching is not counseling or medical treatment. When I am your coach, I am not your doctor or your counselor. Coaching assumes that you are healthy and able to dive deep into whatever you are facing, that you have enough fuel and wellness to find answers inside yourself. If I sense a medical problem, I will ask that you see your doctor and we can discuss if coaching may still benefit you as an adjunct to that treatment.
