Released in 2023, Hand on My Heart is available in paperback and e-book format at:
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As A physician-coach, I strive to help you reach your full potential
I help catalyze that next iteration of you or your team, the one that lives in harmony while achieving that big dream. Using a co-active coaching approach, we explore what life-work balance means to you. Or we define that version of you that promises abundant joy, vibrancy and success if only fear or something else didn’t hold you back…
Together we generate a prescription for thriving. Energized, excited and passionate, you learn, act and learn again until you fly.
Individual coaching
by Dr. Mayhew as Coach
Individual coaching is tailored to your specific needs. Most of my clients are physicians. In individual coaching, you and I work in synergy, co-leading the process of discovering new found freedom and clarity in what you truly want. Together, we define and launch the next version of you!
If you flounder with work-life balance, perhaps learning to maintain boundaries is key. Perhaps you struggle in an executive or leadership role and need tools and models to guide others. Maybe you need just-in-time coaching. Or you might yearn for something entirely new and want help defining and implementing it. Coaching propels you forward while providing a soft place to fall, bounce back up, dust off, stand up tall and step into your big dream.
Group or organizational coaching & workshops
by dr. Mayhew as Coach
I coach groups, teams and organizations. My sweet spot is helping passionate female physician leaders form a vision and implement it, all the while learning to be their best selves and inspiring others to be their best too.
My workshops use mind-body medicine, biofeedback, narrative medicine, reflective writing, guided imagery, mindfulness and group dynamics. They have been described as fun, inspirational and transformative.
public speaking
by dr. Maureen Mayhew, an educator, coach & researcher
As a young physician I was terrified of public speaking. I overcame that fear after a decade of work in Afghanistan when I began lecturing on a topic few knew much about and eventually spoke on live-television and radio. Now, I present to varied audiences - medical, non-medical, academic or lay audiences - on a wide range of topics including health & well-being, war and health, global mental health, effective communication, team-building, narrative medicine and physician health.
what do you believe?
I believe that we all can create happiness, joy and fulfillment in our lives and have seen this happen all over the world. If you work with me, we will uncover what keeps you stuck. And we’ll discover what causes you to soar and reach for the stars. I will gently hold you accountable to be your absolute best self… To step and find a path revealed.